Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Q & A: The "B" List

Q:  We can only afford to have 100 people at our wedding. We have a really big "B" list and we're hoping we can invite some of them, but we really can't do anything until we get some "no" responses. How do we tactfully rush the people on the "A" list to respond and then invite the "B" listers without being obvious that they weren't first choice?

A:  A lot of people are in this same situation, so you don't need to feel tacky. Just make sure you don't let anyone know that they're on the "B" list. Here are a few ideas:

  • Send out your "A" list invitations early (8-10 weeks in advance), hoping that you'll get some early responses. 
  • Put out the feelers.  Moms and girlfriends are really good at this.  Get them on the phone with the family/ friends and start talking about the wedding.  People will most likely share their plans, if they'll be able to make it or not, if they have heard anything from anyone else, etc.
  • Give people an option to rsvp on your wedding website.  This is generally easier, faster, and more motivating than snail mail.
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